Tried and Tested: Prenatal Pilates at PowerMoves
My wife, Sharon, started on Pilates first as she too was looking for a form of exercise that helps build and strengthen the body’s foundations. She convinced me to give it a try and we’ve not looked back since.
3. What has Pilates done for you, healthwise, so far? Can you compare your present condition to your condition before you did Pilates?
Since I started practising Pilates, I’ve come to be more aware and have a greater sense of how to control the movements of the various parts of my body to avoid exercise injuries.
4. Looking forward, what are your health goals and for how long do you intend to practise Pilates? Will you get your family and friends to try it?
I would most definitely encourage my family and friends to take up Pilates to improve their overall well-being and more!
Tracking the progress of Herbin Chia and his commitment to making a positive change in his life and in his body at PowerMoves Pilates in the Park Singapore.